Suche in
Banaji, Shakuntala: Livingstone, Sonia: Nandi, Anulekha: Stoilova, Mariya: Instrumentalising the digital: adolescents' engagement with ICTs in low- and middle-income countries. [2018]
Alkhawaldeh, Mustafa: Hyassat, Mizyed: Al-Zboon, Eman: Ahmad, Jamal: The role of computer technology in supporting children's learning in Jordanian early years education. [2017]
Romero-Ruiz, Karin: Echeverri-Sanchez, Laura: Pena-Plata, Juan: Vasquez-Giraldo, Stephania: Aguilera-Cardona, Milady: u.a.: Information and communication technologies impact on family relationship. [2017]
de la Fuente Anuncibay, Raquel: ICTs and teenage students. Problematic usage or dependence. [2017]
Kania-Lundholm, Magdalena: Torres, Sandra: Older active users of ICTs make sense of their engagement. [2017]
Kaarakainen, Meri-Tuulia: Kivinen, Antero: Kaarakainen, Suvi-Sadetta: Differences between the genders in ICT skills for Finnish upper comprehensive school students: Does gender matter? [2017]
Christensen, Christa Lykke (Hrsg.): Jerslev, Anne (Hrsg.): Nordmedia. Media presence mobile modernities. [2016]
Trueltzsch, Sascha: Kouts-Klemm, Ragne: Aroldi, Piermarco: Transforming digital divides in different national contexts. [2014]
Livingstone, Sonia: Wijnen, Christine W.: Papaioannou, Tao: Costa, Conceicao: del Mar Grandio, Maria: Situating media literacy in the changing media environment. Critical insights from European research on audiences. [2014]
Carpentier, Nico (Hrsg.): Schroder, Kim Christian (Hrsg.): Hallett, Lawrie (Hrsg.): Audience transformations. Shifting audience positions in late modernity. [2014]
Tufte, Thomas: Wildermuth, Norbert: African youth, media and civic engagement. [2013]
Sorensen, Karen Kisakeni: Petuchaite, Viktorija: Prospects for civil society empowerment through the use of the new media. [2013]
Tufte, Thomas (Hrsg.): Wildermuth, Norbert (Hrsg.): Hansen-Skovmoes, Anne Sofie (Hrsg.): Mitullah, Winnie (Hrsg.): Speaking up and talking back? Media, empowerment and civic engagement among East and Southern African youth. [2013]
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